• Flavia Naves

    Co-Director, CBL Roundtable on Financial Policy & Regulation

    Flavia Naves is General Counsel and Corporate Secretary at Circle, a global financial technology firm that enables businesses of all sizes to harness the power of stablecoins and public blockchains for payments, commerce and financial applications.
    Flavia has decades of experience with legal and regulatory-facing roles at WorldPay, one of the largest payments processors in the world,
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  • Center for Business Law 2021 Fall Kick-Off & Happy Hour

    September 14 @ 5:45 pm – 7:30 pm

    Join us on the Skydeck of the new Cotchett Law Center to celebrate the new school year with the Center for Business Law. Come meet CBL Faculty, Advisors, Fellows & Alumni and learn more about our exciting plans for the year. Appetizers and drinks will be served.
    Registration is required for this event.
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  • The 2020-2021 Albert G. Evans Scholarship in Private Enterprise.

    A cash prize totaling $3,400 will be awarded to the student (or students) who writes the best article.

    The Center for Business Law is pleased to invite nominations for the 2020-2021 Albert G. Evans Scholarship in Private Enterprise. A cash prize totaling $3,400 will be awarded to the student (or students) who, in the discretion of the Selection Committee, writes the best article on a specified topic in the area of governmental regulation of private enterprise.
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  • The Heart of Business – A Conversation on Corporate Purpose

    Featuring Hubert Joly, former Chairman & CEO of Best Buy

    On April 26, 2021, Evan Epstein had a conversation with Hubert Joly, ex Chairman & CEO of Best Buy on corporate purpose and his new book The Heart of Business, hosted by the Sciences Po American Foundation.
    You can find a summary of the discussion in this link.
    You can check out the webinar recording in this link.
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  • Professor Jared Ellias’ latest paper “Government Activism in Bankruptcy”

    Featured in Harvard Law School Bankruptcy Roundtable

    Check out Professor Jared Ellias‘ latest paper “Government Activism in Bankruptcy” (with George Triantis) about how governments can implement policy goals through bankruptcy activism is helpfully summarized on the Harvard Law School Bankruptcy Roundtable site: https://blogs.harvard.edu/bankruptcyroundtable/2021/05/18/government-activism-in-bankruptcy/ 
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  • UC Hastings Center for Business Law | Newsletter Spring 2021

    May 2021

    You can check out the full newsletter in the following link: CBL Newsletter Spring 2021
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  • Note from the Executive Director – CBL Newsletter Spring 2021

    After over a year in COVID-19 lockdown, we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. As of this writing, more than 1.18 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, with about 247 million vaccinations in the US (~44% of population) and 72% of SF residents over 16 receiving at least one dose.
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  • Mounika Yepuri

    CBL Scholar Class of 2023

    Mounika Yepuri (Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA and Hyderabad, India). Mounika is a 1L at UC Hastings. She studied Political Science at UC Berkeley before working at Atrium LLP and Allen & Hatcher LLP as a corporate paralegal. Through these experiences, she was able to work with many startups, which inspired her to attend law school at the heart of the startup world.
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  • Jayshawn Anderson

    CBL Scholar Class of 2023

    Jayshawn Anderson (Hometown: San Francisco, CA): Jay Anderson is a 1L studying business law with the goal of creating a social venture capital fund and promoting diversity amongst technology entrepreneurs. He comes to UC Hastings from Case Western Reserve, where he graduated with Honors in Psychology, and minors in Economics and Chemistry. He was drawn to law school by the desire to expedite the process of much needed legal reform as well as advocate for marginalized communities. 
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  • Research and News from CBL Affiliated Faculty Spring 2021

    The UC Hastings Center for Business Law convenes the school’s business law faculty, research and course offerings. Check out their most recent news and research:

    Alina Ball

    Check out UC Hastings’ Center for Racial and Economic Justice (CREJ) six-episode podcast series Black Hastings Speaks. This series pays homage to the rich oral traditions of African Americans,
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