Event: The Unicorn Initiative: A Joint Research Project by the UC Hastings Center for Business Law and The Brattle Group
Co-Hosts: UC Hastings Center for Business Law and the Brattle Group
Date: Thursday, November 4, 2021
Time: 12:00–1:30 p.m. (PT)
Location: Cotchett Law Center at UC Hastings College of the Law (333 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco CA)
There is no shortage of unicorn lists, but these tallies leave a key question unanswered for policy makers: what are the outcomes? How and when are unicorns exiting? What is the nature and frequency of unicorn litigation? Until recently, systematic analysis of these questions was premature. But now a critical mass of companies have been unicorns long enough to identify some patterns that may help policy makers and others understand better this relatively new and evolving market.
Join us on November 4th to explore this topic with a panel of experts, moderated by Professor Evan Epstein:
To join the webinar, please click here: https://uchastings.zoom.us/j/96064891613