
  • Research Updates AY2023-2024

    From UC Law SF Faculty

    Abe Cable‘s article titled Stock Options of Adhesion was accepted for publication in the Journal of Corporation Law. The article argues that a competitive market for startup talent helps equity compensation contracts evolve in employee-friendly ways, even when employees do not actively negotiate or even understand their agreements.
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  • The 2020-2021 Albert G. Evans Scholarship in Private Enterprise.

    A cash prize totaling $3,400 will be awarded to the student (or students) who writes the best article.

    The Center for Business Law is pleased to invite nominations for the 2020-2021 Albert G. Evans Scholarship in Private Enterprise. A cash prize totaling $3,400 will be awarded to the student (or students) who, in the discretion of the Selection Committee, writes the best article on a specified topic in the area of governmental regulation of private enterprise.
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  • Research and News from CBL Affiliated Faculty Spring 2021

    The UC Hastings Center for Business Law convenes the school’s business law faculty, research and course offerings. Check out their most recent news and research:

    Alina Ball

    Check out UC Hastings’ Center for Racial and Economic Justice (CREJ) six-episode podcast series Black Hastings Speaks. This series pays homage to the rich oral traditions of African Americans,
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  • Business Law Scholarship at UC Hastings Law

    Summary 2020

    Our business law faculty members Jared Ellias, Jodi Short, Abe Cable, John Crawford, and Alina Ball are prominent thought leaders in the field. Here is a sampling of their work from the past year: Business Law Scholarship.
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  • Research and News from CBL Affiliated Faculty Fall 2020

    The UC Hastings Center for Business Law convenes the school’s business law faculty, research and course offerings. Check out their most recent news and research:

    Alina Ball

    UC Hastings’ Center for Racial and Economic Justice (CREJ) has launched Black Hastings Speaks, a six-episode podcast series designed to preserve and present authentic stories of Black experiences within the UC Hastings community.
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  • Research Update Center for Business Law Spring 2020

    The UC Hastings Center for Business Law convenes the school’s business law faculty, research and course offerings. Check out their most recently published and forthcoming business law scholarship.

    Cable, Abraham, Does Trados Matter? (October 4, 2019). 45 The Journal of Corporation Law, Forthcoming; UC Hastings Research Paper No. 367. Available at SSRN:
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